The Compost Revolution

As I sat flicking through Facebook recently, mundanely zooming past cats and babies, a post jumped out at me and poked me right in the Minimise Waste journey!

It was posted by The Compost Revolution alerting me to the fact that my local council were offering 80% off compost bins and worm farms in an effort to get people on the composting train.

I signed up straight away.

The Compost Revolution is all about making it easy for Australians to reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfill. Because about half of what the average Aussie household throws away is compostable organic material.

Using home composting systems significantly reduces the amount of stuff we send to landfill. It also reduces our impact on climate change because food waste releases harmful greenhouse gases as it breaks down in landfill.

Currently there are 40 councils across Australia participating with Compost Revolution to educate and equip households to begin home composting.

This initiative been developed for councils by councils and has been going for four years and help divert 3 million kigs of waste from landfill, avoiding 5 million kgs of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions and saving councils almost $800,000 in landfill costs.

So, if you are in Australia, you should jump online at  and check out if your council is participating. And if they aren't perhaps ask them why?

Are you a composter or worm farmer?
Got any tips to share?

